Our Vision

Our vision is  to development of education, moral, and skills across individual regardless of his/her location

Our Objective

  1. Enhancement of  peace, unity, and prosperity in the society.
  2. Equitable, quality education and promotion of lifelong learning opportunities for all in the society.

Our Mission

Is to ensure equitable and quality sounded education that promote individual and Nigerian development

Brief History of the College

The establishment of the college is determined with the specific goal and objectives, which eventually bear the immediate past Emir’s of Tsafe name, in person of late Alhaji Habibu Aliyu Yandoto MFR, Amirul Sunnah(R.H) upon considering the immense contributions he gave to the program and entire humanity. The program is an affiliated to Institute of Administration, Institute of Education, Iya Abubakar Institute of Information and Communication Technology (I.O.A, I.O.E, & IAIIAICT) Ahmadu Bello University Zaria and in partnership with certified regulatory bodies for preparations of youth and adult in lifelong learning opportunities cutting different disciplines. This is in accordance with human right act, National Policy on Education and Sustainable development goals (SDGs), consequently; the programmes is approved on 4th April, 2018 by affiliated institutions and regulatory bodies. The college commences classes during the 2017/2018 session with the following departments and programmes

  1. Certificate and Preliminary Studies programmes
  2. Consultancy Unit Prograrmmes
  3. Diploma in Public Administration
  4. Diploma in Law
  5. Diploma in Management
  6. Diploma in Sharia and Civil Law
  7. Diploma in English Language Education
  8. Diploma in Hausa Language Education
  9. Diploma in library and information Science Education
  10. Diploma in Physical and Health Education
  11. Diploma in integrated Science Education
  12. Diploma in Islamic Education ( Arabic and English Medium)
  13. Professional Diploma in Education (PDE)